Now that the Suns have lost game 6, the focus turns to the off-season. What is going to happen? Is Amare going to sign a max deal with the Suns? My guess is that he does not. He will go to the highest bidder, whether it be the Nets or the Bulls. He will get paid big time, and I hope he continues to better himself and not be content. But that leaves a HUGE hole for the Suns to fill. My hope is that Dirk Nowitzki opts out of Dallas and comes to the Suns. I have never liked Dirk, but he seems like the best fit. He will help the Suns continue to win and we will have Steve and Dirk for a couple of years. This might not be appealing to some. Some might say that we need to completely rebuild by getting rid of Nash, Amare, and Richardson. I say that you can't start to rebuild until Nash retires. So you might as well bring in Nowitzki to win while we still have Nash. Will we win a title? I won't say it's impossible, but the odds are not great. I wish we could have accomplished that this year. Oh well. Another off-season full of hopes and dreams awaits us, while the Lakers go on and contend for the Championship.
Great idea! Let's get another guy who can't perform in the playoffs. Look lets all agree the suns season was great and what they did was amazing with what they started with but can we really expect to to continue to support coming in second year after year. When is it our turn to play for a championship? Amare's up and down play became tired and the lack of hustle was obvious at times. He was out played by a guy who gets really no respect in the game (Odom) and is a joke in crunch time. Dirk is a bandaid and what we need is stitches. Cut our losses and rebuild with the youg guns. Play more aggressive defense and develop our bigs. Nash is awesome and will always be loved but time to let the dragic take over and become experienced.
Remember, Dirk did go to an NBA Finals. I believe LeBron James has been to an NBA Finals also and did not win. So to say he does not perform, well maybe not every year. Put him with Steve Nash, and our other parts. Maybe we have a shot. Maybe. It would definitely be entertaining.
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